Travelling with kids

Are we there yet?


Travelling with kids can be rewarding and a great way for the family to make those most cherished memories.


But travelling with kids can also be challenging. You need to keep them occupied and happy whilst on the road, on rainy days stuck in the caravan and to keep them from picking on each other and causing fights.


Here are some ideas to keep the little minds active whilst on the road.


Turn your backseat into a movie theatre


Turn your car into a rolling cinema, let the kids choose the movie before you leave, organise some popcorn and other treats and enjoy the ride. If you make the trip enjoyable, they will love you for it.


And you will get some peace and quiet time too.


Pack a treasure chest


With all their favourite toys, snacks, puzzles and games to enjoy whilst you are travelling.


Possibly put a time limit or a point in the trip where they are allowed to have another item from the treasure chest to stretch out the reward.


Bring kid-friendly audiobooks


This way, you can listen as a family and enjoy learning something new or just being whisked away somewhere magical in your mind.


Pick something that everyone will enjoy.



Play educational games


Games that will keep their little minds active and thinking. This could be on an iPad or something you have prepared earlier with questions and clues.


Your games could also be around the surroundings or places that you visit on the trip. Test their little minds with what you have done and seen!


Happy travelling.